2023-08-25 10:28

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Fit And Healthy 29-Year-Old Infected With Coronavirus Issues Warning To Others

"Covid-19 is really not a joke!"

A fit and healthy 29-year-old has contracted Codiv-19 and has warned other young people not to think they are immune from the infection.

Daryl Doblados woke up last Thursday morning with a sore throat, shortness of breath and aches all over his body, which quickly developed into a fever that left him shivering.

Within 15 minutes of calling NHS 111, an ambulance arrived at Daryl's home in Littleport, Cambridgeshire, and took him to Addenbrooke's Hospital, where he spent eight hours in hospital as they took blood tests and x-rays, before diagnosing him with a ‘mild’ case of Covid-19, along with tonsillitis.

Speaking to Manchester Evening News, Daryl said his lungs still feel like they are “filling up with smoke or liquid” and that he could be left with permanent lung damage after contracting the virus. He also advised that while most symptoms have gone, his breathing still hasn’t improved since last week.

The MEN reports that he is now back at home in isolation, from where he had this message to all young people who thin k they are immune from catching this virus:

"Don't take this for granted - it's really not a joke.

For healthy young people out there - do what you can to make sure you don't spread the infection all around.
This is definitely not a typical-flu like virus - flu has never done this to me. The body is not yet immune to this condition.
It's going to spread if we don't start taking it seriously and staying indoors.

The worst thing has been the shortness of breath - I can't even string a sentence together without taking a gasp of air.

I have read that, in some of the cases in China, people have seen up to a 20 to 30 per cent decrease in lung capacity.
Even for me, as a mild case, I could have permanent lung damage. I'm not sure yetI really feel for those who have contracted the virus and developed severe or critical cases. For me, it's not great, but I am able to handle this."
Daryl paid tribute to the "absolutely amazing" NHS staff who reacted quickly to give him his diagnosis and the best advice.

He said: "The NHS are under-resourced at this time, but they're working tremendously hard, and they have always been supportive. They deserve all the glory once this is all over."

Daryl speaking out follows A&E doctor Dr Rosena Allin-Khan, who is also a Labour MP for Tooting in London, revealing that some of the sickest patients that she has seen recently have been young.

She has warned that people in their 30s and 40s are too fighting for their lives in hospital with coronavirus.

Source: MEN

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